Osbornes Lawyers provide a comprehensive full service to landlords, building owners and property managers.
We can prepare a one-off lease for a reasonable cost that will cover all the major issues that affect the interests of the landlord.
For buildings with multiple tenancies, we scope the requirements of both the building and the landlord and prepare a template lease that is a reasonable balance between protecting the interests of the landlord and the legitimate commercial considerations of prospective tenants. At the end of the matter we can provide a range of tools that assist in the proper management of the building, for example, tracked compare documents showing the changes of each individual lease from the template.
We have a full suite of documents concerning ancillary matters to the lease such as agreements for lease, incentives and fit-out contributions.
If the premises include retail shops we can draft documents and procedures to make sure you comply with the Retail Leases Act and minimise the additional cost and risk that the Act imposes on landlords.
For more information read about our tenant services.